Thursday, April 23, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics About America Today

Argumentative Essay Topics About America TodayThere are many argumentative essay topics about America today, but what do they really have to do with the things going on in the real world? To answer this question it will help to look at both sides of the political spectrum and try to find areas of common ground.Most discussion about arguments about America today usually center around the opposing parties and their opinions of each other. Because these points of view are based on a lot of different factors, it is very difficult to find areas where they agree. In fact it is quite likely that they are either too far apart or completely at odds on almost everything.For example, even though both Republicans and Democrats believe that the United States has had its fair share of economic problems the two sides are not exactly on the same page when it comes to economic issues. The Republican Party does not want to raise taxes and they are looking for ways to cut government spending in order t o rein in the deficit. The Democratic Party is committed to increasing taxes on the wealthy in order to reduce the deficit and is also committed to spending on health care and infrastructure projects. It seems that they can only agree on issues where they differ from one another.Even more interesting than the political divides of the argumentative essay topics about America today is the topic of race. The two major political parties in the United States disagree completely about the causes of racial inequality and the causes of the ongoing social issues associated with it. While the Republican Party sees the rampant criminality and laziness of African Americans as causes for concern and want to take steps to correct it through tough policies they are unwilling to admit that there are other causes of their problem. In fact, they think that the only causes of racial inequality are those that are caused by individuals.Another of the arguments that both parties have on the subject of Am erica and race is the idea that if anything the United States has been overly lenient on the issue of race. One side of the argument says that the country is too politically correct and that it should be more hard-line on the matter, while the other side of the argument says that the country is too liberal and that it should be more racially conscious.It seems that either side of the argument has a point when it comes to the argumentative essay topics about America today. Both sides of the argument have good points and bad points, and unfortunately neither side really seems to be willing to actually address the issues. Perhaps the main reason for this is because neither side really knows how to argue against the other side.Since neither party has really been able to put forward an argument, they have resorted to using special interest groups, which to a certain extent have made the argumentative essay topics about America today more effective. However, this solution to the problem i s limited because it is a way for each side to get their side of the story out and neither side seems to be willing to accept any reality that the other side presents.So the best argumentative essay topics about America today will focus on areas of agreement. If there is some common ground between both sides of the political spectrum then that will make for a very effective argumentative essay topic. The obvious areas of agreement are that both parties are generally at odds with one another, and that they both want the same things.

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