Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Water Resource Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Water Resource Plan - Essay Example The equipment required for fishing including the boats and nets are expensive to maintain. So, the last thing in their mind is the conservation of the marine environment. Also, the nature of marine life is such that it is difficult to estimate the existing population levels at various marine habitats. This means that the problem of over-fishing comes to light when it’s too late to reverse the trend (Alive, 2007). At this juncture, a systematic, scientific and feasible plan is required to manage marine resources and ensure sustainability. Many experts within the fishing industry are working towards healthy, sustainable marine ecosystems, so that the future for its inhabitants is made secure. What is called for is a legitimate, proactive plan of action, with long term objectives in order that fisheries across the globe will be healthy and ecologically-balanced. Such a state of affairs will make sure that fishing does not have a negatively effect on marine ecosystems. (Neori, et. al., 2007) To start with, fisheries management requires taking careful account of the more vulnerable marine ecosystems whose conditions may have a huge impact on fish stocks and their productivity. On identifying these, no-take zones or no-travel zones could be imposed on commercial fishing expeditions to prevent disruption of â€Å"fish spawning, breeding, and annual marine migrations†. Protection of these sensitive habitats at crucial junctures in time helps depleted fish populations to replenish and makes sure that the process of long-term sustainability and productivity of a fishery is underway (Alive, 2007). Other measures are also required as part of the sustainability management plan. For example, in order for a marine ecosystem to maintain its health, instances fish catching expeditions will have to be curtailed to allow the target species (the ones identified to be on the verge of extinction but whose role in the marine

Sunday, February 9, 2020

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Norton critical edition Term Paper

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Norton critical edition - Term Paper Example Briden, Jane Smiley and T.S. Eliot are examined. One of the major critics examining Huckleberry Finn is David Carkeet. Carkeet examines Twains story from a number of critical perspectives, but perhaps his most overarching take on the subject examines the various narrative techniques Twain utilizes throughout the novel. Within this context Carkeet pays particular emphasis on the nature of dialectics utilized in the novel. In these regards, he distinguishes between dialectics including: the Missouri negro dialect, the extremest form of the backwoods South-Western dialect, the ordinary Pike-County dialect (Twain, and Colley). Carkeet notes that it is necessary to make this distinction as without it the novel would simply sound alike, however not succeeding. Within this context then, Carkeet examines the various dialectics for their linguistic elements within the context of the novel. In these regards, Carkeet argues that Finns dialectic himself can be viewed as the norm to which other dialectics are then varied upon. In a way then, F inns dialectic becomes the a sort of majority dialectic spoken throughout the novel through which the other dialectics are understood in terms of a prism. It follows then that in differentiating further dialectics, Twain does so as a purposeful means. For instance, Carkeet argues that one of the major predominant dialectical changes is implemented by Twain to distinguish between race. Another factor Carkeet considers is the relation between these dialetics articulated by Twain and the sorts of dialectics implemented in the actual mid-nineteenth century. In considering this last point, Carkeet notes that there are significant divisions between the novel and the real-life dialectic. One major point in these terms is that Finn himself utilizes different variations on his own dialectic throughout the novel,